Cardiff 4-piece Fingertrap release Body Popping, their first single for Wise Dog Records, on 28th October 2016
With energy and indie pop sass to rival The Hives and The Fratellis, the last 18 months have seen them play raucous shows around the UK, with numerous festival appearances including Frankfurt Musikmesse and The Montreux Jazz Festival, and win two Europe-wide competitions for their live performances run by industry giants Casio and Shure
The infectious groove of new single ‘Body Popping’ tells of vocalist Sion's first ever night out drinking in Cardiff, and the teenage insecurities of dancing in front of other people.
The bandplay a single launch night in Cardiff on 29th October, with gigs in Leeds (University Old Bar) on 9th October and London (The Bedford, Balham) on 13th October, and further dates to be confirmed.Fingertrap are Sion (lead vocals & piano), Jimmy (lead guitar & backing vocals), Nick (bass & backing vocals) and Frankie (drums & backing vocals).
Web: FingertrapUK.comTwitter: @FingertrapUKFacebook: /FingertrapUKInstagram: @FingertrapUK