It's been some crazy weeks here in Southern California.with wildfires ravaging parts of Los Angeles.The Santa Ana winds exploding the fires and everything in their paths.

We were never in danger form the LA firesbut we do live in an area that has fires breaking out often.Our backyard view right now has the burn scars from fires we had in September.
The Santa Ana winds we had for over a week were a constant mental reminderwhat could happen here also.
We've lived out here 30 yearsand it hasn't been until this Januarythat I could ever see us having the possibility of real problems.But I'm sure most of us in Southern Californiaare seeing possibilities differently these days.

I have never experienced winds like January 7th.In our neighborhood huge pine trees were snapped in half.Our house not only shook from the windsbut even our massive bed on the second floor was moved.The Santa Ana winds sounded like an ongoing explosion when they came in this time.
Usually here the winds sound like an incoming trainthat you can here seconds before even any leaves start to move.I woke up wondering was it a plane too low overheadbut the noise didn't seem to move away.in a few secondsI realized it was crazy winds.
It was a few hours laterwhen I had the local news on they began covering a small brush firein the hills of LA.No one had any idea how bad things would get for LA.And the winds kept howling outside for us.
Winds so viscous they made it hard to sleep that night.I finally fell asleep at midnightby then much of Malibu was burning.Their winds were blowing over 85 miles per hour.We just live 75 miles south of Malibu.I figured I should try to get sleep if I couldbecause who knew what we might have to deal with next day.

The next day the images of LA neighborhoods were unbelievable.But the winds were lesseningand more help was being sent to LA.the worst of the fires themselves seemed to be over.
But here in Orange Countythe Santa Ana winds continued to burst crazy gustsfor the next few days.A continual reminder what actually 'could happen'
It was the odd limbowhere my heart broke foe others in LAwhile I still had an unease about our own area.
I felt like I had to stay hometo keep an eye on things.
I obviously had to think of what I would take if I ever had to leave.
Talk about a quick way to check what is really important in life.
I made my liststhat now hang on my studio blackboard.It contains a combination of the necessary and the sentimental.
Making my own list broke my heart even morefor so many in LA who lost everything.

I even started to feel guilty of how I still had everything.I soon pushed that out to my mindrealizing each day is a giftand adding to ripples of anxiety serves no one.
Instead I felt an overwhelming need to get my houseactually, oddlyclosets and bedroom in order.Having absolutely no control on wildfiresother than being as prepared as possibleI decides to find calm in making my spaces as orderly and beautifulas possible.Taking the time to truly appreciating what I did havewhile I actually had it.
Our downstairs more public spaces are always in perfect order.But I must admit there were many, many days my bed wasn't madeand clothes covered my floornot because I was ever lazybut rather I always felt I had too much to doand my time was better spent elsewhere.

But the winds and the fires had me so rattledwith feeling of no control and worryI actually slowed down.
It's a funny thing how thinking through the possibility of loosing everythingmakes you reconsider even your time usage.
It actually reminded me just how much I love my home.I love my spacesand I love my closets of my beloved clothes.
It reminded me I don't need to rush to accomplish moreto get more.

What I really needed to do was actually slow down.
Do less and appreciate more.
~To intentionally appreciateand care for what I do have.~Slowing down intentionally caring and appreciatingmy spaces and belongingshas brought me a calmI haven't felt in a while.Life is fleetingand another day is never promised.

I think the chaos of the fires and all of the other implicationsof the last week here in the US
has made me turn inwardin an attempt to find calm and peaceinsidewhere it doesn't exist outside for me right now.

Now more than ever it is time for me to doGratitude lists and Glimmers.
To be intentional where I put my timemy love and my intentions.~To create beauty and meaningful work.~To findCalm in the Chaos
so my life can have a ripple effect of love and joy.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life