I looked back at my posts for this day from prior years and found a common thread. This is the time of year when most of my shrubs and perennials have reached their peak or those that are on the decline have been sufficiently hidden. It is the time of year when I can actually say that I'm proud of my garden. I'm sure by morning I'll change my mind, but as I type these words, I'm in a good place.
Here are a few samples of how things look as we approach the end of July:
Astilbe, Ninebark 'Diablo', Catmint and Hydrangea 'Endless Summer'

Joe Pye Weed backed by Miscanthus 'Morning Light'

Miscanthus 'Morning Light', Panicum 'Northwind' and Joe Pye Weed

Too many too list but Miscanthus 'Gracillimus' anchors it all

Coneflower, Astilbe, Ninebark 'Diablo', Catmint, Viburnum and some others

Indian Grass 'Sioux Blue', Sedum 'Matrona'
Have a great weekend!