Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday - TV

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Well would you look at this. It's Friday and I don't know what to complain about. What a sad state of affairs. It's not like I don't have plenty of fodder, but where do I start? 

So. We've been watching Schitt's Creek on Netflix. It's very funny. We were watching Arrow and Riverdale but they got too dark and depressing.

When Tiger is away I barely watch tv (other than Bachelor in Paradise). When he's home he likes to watch TV once the kids are in bed. 

I don't understand the TV fascination. I've always preferred to read. It wouldn't bother me if we didn't have a TV. If Tiger wasn't here I'd cancel Netflix and Telstra TV. Screens are such a huge/difficult part of life now and I don't like it. I'm grateful I grew up in the 70's and 80's where there really wasn't much worth watching on tele, so we didn't. 

Now kids are exposed to so many things that they just don't need to know about. They see it on TV, at school, they play games on their tablets, etc. I try to protect the kids from all that negativity but it's very difficult.

Tigers parents gave Chai a tablet (without consulting us) when he was three. To say I was unimpressed is an understatement. Screens are not good for Chai, it effects his behavior and he turns into a monster. Eljay is unaffected. I wonder what it's doing to Chai's brain that it makes him behave so badly. 

Tiger gives the kids a lot more screen time than I'd like them to have. I give them more screen time than I'd like to. When he's away and I need a few seconds of sanity, they watch TV. If Chai had his way he'd be in front of a screen all day. It's not healthy. Kids should be playing, not sitting still watching tele. 

Even at school they're expected to use screens. Chai is also expected to use a tablet to do his homework. If we did the homework they expect, he'd be on his tablet an hour every night. Homework for primary school kids is not something I agree with, homework that requires screen time I refuse to do. It's not healthy. 

The urge to run away is strong. So very strong. Run away with my babies (and Tiger) to a big bush block with no TV, no school and no pressure. 

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