Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday - Speaking in Tounges

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello beautiful people. How are you all? I have no idea what to complain about today. How is that possible? I'm normally awash with complaints. I must be ill. 
I've had no more cooking disasters this week so I can't amuse you with those stories. 
It appears that Tiger and I are now talking a different language. I just don't understand him.
Here's the perfect example. This is a conversation we had earlier in the week.
Tiger: I might have got a bbq for $150.
Glossy: Awesome.
Tiger: It's just like ours so I can use their hotplate and put it on ours.
Glossy: If that's all you're buying it for why don't you just get a new hotplate for ours?
Tiger: Because I want a new bbq.
Glossy: I understand that, but if you're only buying the bbq to get the hot plate, wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy a hotplate?
Tiger: (speaking patiently like I'm an idiot) No, because I want a new bbq.
Glossy: Yes, but you're talking about buying a bbq just for the hotplate, why wouldn't you just buy a new hotplate?
Tiger: Because I want a new bbq!
Glossy: But are you going to use the new one or just take the hotplate?
Tiger: I'm going to take the hotplate.
Glossy: Exactly, so why not just buy a hotplate?
Tiger: Because I want a new bbq!
Glossy: But you're not getting a new bbq, you're just buying it for the hotplate.
Tiger: I want a new bbq!
Glossy: Don't worry about it, you clearly don't understand me.
Tiger: No, you're not understanding me.
Glossy: Exactly. 
Can someone please explain what I missed? I still don't understand.
The same thing has happened a few times this week. Maybe I'm suddenly talking another language? Either that or I've finally gone totally crazy. 
Friday Speaking Tounges Friday Speaking Tounges Friday Speaking Tounges Friday Speaking Tounges Friday Speaking Tounges

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