Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday - Broken?

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello beautiful people. How are you all? Doing okay? Not doing okay? Just getting by?
I'm plodding along. Looking forward to the school holidays and wondering if I've overcommitted myself next year. I'll be working three days a week, I'm the Deputy President of the P&C, I've agreed to take over as the Chairperson of the School Board and Chai will be at high school. Add to that looking after the household, arranging Chai's therapies, trying to exercise, keep in touch with friend and family and look after myself I'm not sure how I'm going to fit everything in. I suppose I'll just have to be super organised. Organisation is not my forte.  Tiger is becoming stranger by the minute and I have no idea why. If it wasn't for my cousin here confirming his strange behavior I'd assume it was just me, but turns out I'm wrong and it's him not me.  Sunday was the perfect example.I did the washing, hung most of it out and left the smalls in the washing machine because there were dry clothes in the washing basket. I was planning on hanging the smalls out when I got back home. When I got home I took the smalls out of the washing machine. I noticed that there was quite a bit of water splashed around in the machine which was unusual.As I was starting to hang the clothes out this is the conversation Tiger and I had:Tiger: Is that washing clean?Me: Yes, that's why I'm hanging it out.Tiger: Oh. Was it in the washing machine?Me: Yes.Tiger: It's not clean any more.Me: Why?Tiger: I threw dog water on it.Me: (Thinking I'd miss heard him) What?Tiger: I threw dog water on it?Me: You threw dog water on it?Tiger: Yes.Me: How did you manage to get water into the washing machine?Tiger: I threw it in there.Me: ???Tiger: I thought the clothes in there were waiting to be washed.Note: I do not leave dirty clothes in the washing machine to be washed. The only exception is when I load the machine late in the evening (after 8pm) so that I can do a load first thing in the morning. It was not first thing in the morning.Me: Why would you throw water into the washing machine? There's a sink right next to the washing machine! You'll ruin it. Why would you do that?Tiger: I just did okay!Me: I have no idea what to say to that. 
Seriously, WTAF???? Why would you do that when there's a sink right next to the washing machine? I spent the next ten minutes walking around the house shaking my head and thinking WTF. My cousin was trying his best not to laugh and wouldn't even make eye contact with me. He thought it was hilarious.  Every time I think about it I still go WTF.
I really think Tiger is broken.

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