Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday - Beautiful

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello beautiful people. How are you all? I hope you've had a wonderful week.
Lots of my things have been falling apart lately. Shoes, clothes, undies, socks etc. It's made me realize how badly I neglect myself and what a low priority I put on my own needs. Two weeks in a row at work my shoes fell apart whilst I was wearing them. When I though about it I realised that both pairs were around 12 years old. My first though with both pairs of shoes was that I needed to get them repaired. Really? 12 year old shoes should be replaced not repaired.
Mum was here a few weeks ago so we went out for the morning and Mum wanted to look at clothes. She was asking me where I like to shop and I didn't know. Over the last several years, when I've needed clothes I haven't gone browsing the shops to find what I like, I just grab whatever is cheapest at Kmart. Really? Why do I do that? I am worthy of having decent clothes. I am worthy of having shoes that aren't falling apart and undies and socks that aren't threadbare. When did I become an afterthought? How did I not notice? I know how I didn't notice, I was too busy looking after my family. No-one else noticed either. No-one thought that I was worthy of having decent quality clothes and shoes. Is that their fault? Probably not. Women aren't prioritised in this world. We aren't encouraged to value ourselves or look after ourselves. Men are taught that women are here to serve them, so they don't prioritise us or encourage us to look after ourselves.
I'm here to encourage you. Put yourself first. Meet your needs before you meet the needs of anyone else. You are important and worthy. Plus, if you're rested and happy you'll be better able to meet the needs of your family. Buy yourself nice things. If you need new shoes or new undies, get them. You don't hesitate to get new things for your kids when they need them, it should be the same for you. Buy the things. You are beautiful exactly as you are. Have a wonderful weekend.

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