Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday - Awake!

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
Hello lovelies. How are you all today? Has it been an okay week? My week was good, things went well. 
Thursday I had acupuncture. I've always loved Traditional Chinese Medicine, it works really well for me. Since we moved down here ten years ago I haven't found a practitioner that worked for me. I've tried a few different people but they both only did acupuncture, they didn't do the herbs as well. Last year I found a practitioner who uses the herbs as well as acupuncture but she wasn't taking on new clients. This year I checked again and she was taking new clients so I booked in. I'm so glad I went! I had a treatment, got some herbs and noticed a difference straight away. She gave me herbs to help balance the symptoms of perimenopause. Since I saw her I've been sleeping amazingly. I haven't been getting restful sleep for years so to wake up feeling rested has been wonderful. I also have more energy and am not feeling exhausted all the time, it's brilliant.I'm going back in two weeks and can't wait. It's so nice to feel like a person again instead of an exhausted shell of a being. 
That's my good news for the week. I'm trying to think if I have anything to whinge about. No doubt I do but I've managed to successfully block it from my mind. I'm good at that. It's a great skill to have. Remember the good and forget about the bad.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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