My hayfever is unrelenting. FFS.
It's driving me crazy. FFS.
I've used a large box of tissues in the last five days. FFS.
Because I'm breastfeeding I can't take anything for it. FFS.
Speaking of breastfeeding, Eljay is not showing any signs of wanting to stop. When Chai was the same age as Eljay is he was only having one feed day. Eljay feeds at least five times a day. Half of me is pleased about this and half of me is annoyed. FFS/Not FFS.
I love breastfeeding but there are times when I'm sick of having a child attached to my chest. FFS.
Eljay is not sleeping well at the moment. FFS.
He hasn't been sleeping well for the last four weeks. FFS.
I have no idea why. FFS.
I am sofa king tired. FFS.
He has also decided that he's a climber. FFS.
It terrifies me. FFS.
One day he just woke up and decided to start climbing, so he did. FFS.
He climbs everything. FFS.
He gets on the table, on the arm of his feeding chair, on the back of the lounge chair, anything he can climb he does. FFS.
He's really proud of himself and calls out to me so that I can witness his triumph. I'll walk into the room and see something like this. FFS.

Chai wasn't a climber so I have no idea how to deal with this. FFS.
Chai is totally obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the moment. FFS.
He spends all day pretending to be a ninja turtle. FFS.
I never know what to call him, he's never Chai, he's Leo, Donny, Raph or Mikey. FFS.
I regularly get in trouble for calling him the wrong name. It goes like this:
C: Mummy, I'm Raph.
M: Hi Raph.
C: No, I'm not Raph, I'm Donny, you're Raph.
M: Okay Donny.
C: I'm not Donny I'm Leo.
M: Ok honey.
C: I'm not honey, I'm Mikey.

I am so, so sick of pretending to be a ninja turtle and fighting baddies! FFS.

If you haven't had a great week, please tell me all about it in the comments.