Yesterday, the Austrian daredevil, Felix Baumgartner managed to break all-time free-falling world records by taking a dive from the edge of space. The 43-year-old badass became the first man to break the sound-barrier in a free-fall by hitting 834-mph speed in his 119,846-feet jump from above the Earth.

According to L.A.Times, Baumgartner had some difficulties at first in his amazing jump, specially with the excessive heat on his visor faceplate. And then he also started to spin out of control during the high-speed descend. He mentioned that he almost lose consciousness because of the spinning. Fortunately he managed to control the spin and keep a steady descend.
After safely landing on earth, free-falling 9 minutes and 3 seconds, Felix Baumgartner became not only the Supersonic Man to break the speed of sound without any mechanical propulsion, he also managed to break the world record for the highest manned flight in a balloon by reaching a height of 128,097-feet.

Watch the amazing record-breaking jump on video after the break.
[Image Credit - Joerg Mitter / Red Bull Stratos]
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Roshan Jerad Perera