As I was scrolling my Bloglovin’ feed yesterday, I saw so many posts about February goals. And while I’ve already failed miserably at following through with any goals I set for January, I decided eh why not give this another go? New month=new start, right?
So here are some of my February goals:
Start working out. Not to lose weight but to tone, get healthy, and cope with my anxiety. I feel so completely out of shape and I think it may help big time with keeping my mental health in check as well. With these panic attacks going on, clearly I need some kind of release and pump of endorphins.
Read a book. I said I was going to read one new book every month and I haven’t read anything but other blogs. Which don’t get me wrong, I love. But I have a ton of books I’ve been dying to read and I can never find the time to do it. Which brings me to my next point…

Get my shit together. This week wasn’t off to the best start and I’ve been kind of in the dumps about it. I am so thankful for everyone that sent birthday cards, presents, came out to celebrate, etc. But with everything that’s been going on, I’ve just been super stressed and seriously have no help. My husband, yes. But I’m alone with the kids all day, everyday. I wish more than anything I could just call family to come over for a few hours so I could rest… but I can’t. I can’t seem to find the time to clean let alone work. I feel like I’m failing as a mom because I’m super on edge and barely staying afloat somedays. It’s just a lot guys. And I know so many people have it worse than I do and this isn’t meant to be a pity party, but a reminder to myself to find time. Make schedules, lists, whatever. I need to get my shit together, not only for myself but for everyone else in the house too.
Declutter. Going along with getting my shit together, it’s time to declutter. I have SO much stuff and there’s not enough space in this house for it. Now I just have to find the time to do that…
Stay calm. I’ve already said it, but I’ve been super on edge. I’m really going to work on taking deep breaths and not reacting right away. I know there are so many techniques out there to help with breathing and help relieve stress and I think it’s about time I find them. I think that once I declutter and get on some sort of a workout/life schedule, this will fall into place.

Eat healthier. I’m not a bad eater by any means, but I certainly don’t eat full and balanced meals. I pick and snack all day on whatever the kids are eating or whatever is easily accessible in the fridge. I’m going to try and portion out lunches and snacks and plan dinners more strategically. I just signed up for a trial of Hello Fresh and our first one should be here today. So I’m super excited to try that! If you’re interested, you can get $40 off your first order here! And if you have any easy meal planning tools; sheets, printables, recipes, etc… please leave them below!
Well friends on that note, I’m going to get this house cleaned! I hope you’re all having a fabulous week. Cheers to it being almost over