Eco-Living Magazine

February 2013 Clean Energy and Sustainability Events

Posted on the 01 February 2013 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

2013 began with the fiscal cliff averted and reinstatement of the Production Tax Credit for renewable energy. Now comes the shortest month of the year, but a busy one nonetheless. There are a few solar energy events in South Africa, a trio of environmentally related ones in our nation’s capital, Washington D.C,  a couple of Green Biz events, and even a renewable energy training in St. Cloud, Minnesota, about an hour north of our newest outpost in the Twin Cities. In addition, there are a two education events listed below, so check them out.

Take a look at some of the choice events and peruse our calendar for conferences near you. Please let us know of any conferences, events, or festivals in your area. If they are appropriate, we will gladly add them to our green events calendar. Send us an email with the event’s name, date, location, description, and website. In fact, one of the events listed below was submitted by a reader of the site.

Here are a few of the events happening around the world:

National Green Week
When: Feb 4 – 8, 2013
Where: Nationwide
Description: National Green Week is an annual event that empowers schools to engage in sustainability focused lessons, projects or activities between February 4 and the end of Earth Month (April). Participating districts, schools, classrooms or youth groups choose a week, then select from GEF’s sustainability focused programs to be their ‘green theme.’ Each theme provides 5 day standards- based lesson sets, activities, recommended reading, sustainability tips, contests, and more!
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Clean-Tech Investor Summit
When: Feb 5 – 7, 2013
Where: Palm Springs, CA
Description: The Clean-Tech Investor Summit chaired by Technology Partners’ Ira Ehrenpreis and produced by International Business Forum brings together leading investors, Fortune 500 executives, entrepreneurs, and service providers for two days of high-level presentations, conversations, and networking. Hosting a national audience at this destination location has fostered the optimal networking experience.
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Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services in Impact Assessment
When: Feb 7 – 8, 2013
Where: Washington DC
Description: The aim of this symposium is to bring together practitioners working at the cutting edge with both policy makers responsible for shaping IA frameworks and scientists committed to finding practical ways forward.
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Solar POWER-GEN Conference & Exhibition
When: Feb 13 – 15, 2013
Where: San Diego, CA
Description: Solar POWER-GEN Conference & Exhibition provides a dynamic platform for information exchange, networking and new business development, all set in one of North America’s most progressive large-scale solar energy markets – California. Featuring a multi-track conference program and concurrent exhibition, Solar POWER-GEN brings together the industry’s most forward-thinking professionals to discuss, plan and engage in the future of solar power.
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3rd annual Green Schools National Conference
When: Feb 22 – 24, 2013
Where: Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, FL
Description: The Green Schools National Network (GSNN) advances the national green and healthy schools movement by connecting like-minded and passionate education, non-profit, corporate and public sector individuals and organizations.
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