In this month’s edition of Traditional Home Magazine, my friend Tamara Mathews Stevenson wrote a piece featuring the favorite go-to spots for design finds from fifteen designers across the country. I’m honored to say I was one of the designers chosen for this article, and I shared Calypso St. Barth Home, one of my favorite spots in Santa Monica, California.

Tamara is an incredibly talented writer who writes her own very popular blog, so I really appreciated the feature in her article, and I’m honored to be among the other great talents also featured. Thank you Tamara for inviting me to contribute to your article.

Tamara’s piece in Traditional Home is a neat interactive map that allows you to click on one of the featured cities and learn more about the designers and their favorite design spots in that area. It’s a fantastic resource if you’re looking for design gems around the country. Be sure to take some time to explore the interactive story and be sure to take a look at Tamara’s blog, Nest by Tamara. It’s well worth the visit.

If you are planning to redesign your home, I would love to help! Contact me at Interior Makeovers Inc. by calling 310-788-0990 or emailing [email protected].
Stay Inspired!