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Feature Friday: An Unbelievable Navy Blue & Coral Office Transformation

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
I have been plotting and scheming to come up with a great design for my office.  There are so many ideas rattling around in my head.  I shared my original office design board a while back that had some really nice turquoise tones, but I have been heading in to deeper tones lately and I am all about the Navy blue and white color combo with a punch of color added in.  As of right now it is still up in the air, so I went looking to see what else would spark my imagination.   I searched around online and found some really nice offices, but none that caught my eye as much as this one...     Feature Friday: An Unbelievable Navy Blue & Coral Office Transformation Today I am featuring Jessica's office makeover at Home With Baxter.   I love the look of the navy blue, white, and coral color scheme and how Jessica brought it in so tastefully throughout the areas in her office.  All of the colors are very balanced and not overwhelming at all.  I love how crisp and clean the baskets and magazine holders look on her Ikea Expedit shelves. I like how she filled up the wall with two of the shelving units and her desk in the center.  It gives it a sort of built in feel.     Let's take a look at some more of this fabulous makeover shall we?    Feature Friday: An Unbelievable Navy Blue & Coral Office Transformation Right, she can do no wrong with this!  Texture brought in with the baskets and layers brought in with fabric, color, and the shiny bits like the lamp and the shell. With such a crisp clean design, I think any designer would love to work and create in this space.    Speaking of creating,  Jessica is a girl after my own heart, because she creates Online Design Boards like I do.  Jessica took it to a whole different level and turned her design boards into works of art.    Feature Friday: An Unbelievable Navy Blue & Coral Office Transformation I know, I am dying over these.  I was just going to hang some of mine in frames on the wall, but after seeing this, I'm thinking how boring mine would have looked in comparison.  Another great thing about Jessica is that she doesn't mind me thieving this idea.  So, I'm just gonna tell you I may just copy it.  Don't you think everyone should display their work this way.  I have a feeling every time I look up at my Design Boards all sitting on a shelf like that I will get all giddy!  Don't even get me started on this navy blue unit turned work station.  Unbelievable!   Now, I don't like to copycat most things and especially not design, but hey, I'm just saying if you see various similarities between my office and Jessica's, it was a total coincidence ;-)  Thanks Jessica for getting me all sorts of excited to complete my office project.   For the complete reveal, head over HERE, where Jessica not only shares more fabulous photos of the room, but also her sources for where she got everything and even great tutorials on how she completed the cork board project and finished the cabinet in a gorgeous navy blue!     I hope you enjoyed the office feature.  Take care for now!
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Seaside Interiors

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