Family Magazine

Fear Or Faith Driven?

By Familyfriends @familyfriends_

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matt 6:27 

Do you somteimes find yourself thinking and worrying about loosing your job or about not having one. Or that you might end up broke, or worrying about the house market or what if a loved one ends up dying. It is not easy to protect ourselves from society’s message today, it seems that fear is the only thing that drives the society forward. Fear of the economy, fear or terrorist attacs, fear for a Euro collaps, fear of the Svine flue. Fear, fear and fear is what we feed our self with almost everyday. Where is the Hope? where is the faith?

Fear or Faith driven?

What we feed grown and what we starves dies!

For many years I let my fears have the biggest impact of my choices, and I can tell you that these choices where not godly once. Many times I let my mind be filled with worries and problems rather then with hope and faith. And my fears turned me into a control freak, not so very nice but so very true. I started to fill my days with worries and fear started to control my life. I didn’t see it myself, I only tried to control my situation the best I could. But in the end I found myself trapped in a small box wondering why I didn’t felt free and alive.

- Can one be worried and happy at the sometime? I don’t think so.

The principle is easy, what you feed, grows and what you starves, dies. Joy, for example is one of the nine Fruits of the Spirit of God and Jesus called us to bear fruit and to live a life to the full. In order to have the fruit of Joy in our lives we need to feed the right actions and thoughts. I realized a few years ago that I was feeding the wrong thoughts and actions so I started to feed the very small amount of faith and hopeful thoughts I had and things started to change. Faith grow faith! Hope grow hope!

What is your fear? and what are you feeding? Are you feeding the right actions and thoughts into your life? Do you feed your marriage, your relationship with your children? Or do you let your fears control you by working to much, spending to little time with your family because you feel you need to work because of fear of loosing your house, your possition?

Start feeding right actions and thoughts today, spend more time with your wife/husband, take your children swimming and go for that walk you have been thinking of for a long time. Tell your family how much they mean to you. Start to talk hope and faith into your future.

You and I know that fear never won a war, or wrote a love letter. Fear never pulled a family out of poverty or saved a marriage or business. Courage did that, Hope did that and Faith did that.

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