Hair & Beauty Magazine

Favourites Of The Week!

By Triedandtestedblogger @triedtestedblog

Hi everyone,

After having a less stressful week this week as I only had one exam in the period, I was able to relax a little bit and have some downtime and I definitely think that my favourites this week reflect that!



1. Benefit Cosmetics ‘the POREfessional Agent Zero Shine’ - I have absolutely been loving this powder recently! It works so well applied onto moisturised skin as I don’t wear a base (foundation/bb cream) everyday as well as over a full face of makeup. It fills in the pores and gives your skin a beautiful smooth and perfected appearance. I will be reviewing this on the blog soon.

2. Orange Is The New Black - I was a huge fan of Season 1 so I was excited for it to recently come back with  a 13 episode second season. Before watching the first season, I had read up on what the show was about and didn’t think I would like it, however, I decided to give it a go anyway and it’s an amazing show, definitely one of my favourites!

3. Lea Michele’s album, Louder - I was a fan of Glee but stopped watching it after a few seasons when the original cast graduated and there was a new Glee class. I’m really happy that I’ve rediscovered Lea Michele’s voice and this album, has an amazing range of songs for every occasion and emotion!


What have your favourites been this week? Leave a comment below!


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That’s all for now,
triedandtestedblogger XOXO

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