Fashion Magazine
As I discussed in my last post, buying gifts for my dad can be quite the challenge. So when I found these amazing Stanley Brand products, I knew they would be items he would love and use. My dad has always loved the outdoors and he passed that love on to me. From the time I was born, my family has enjoyed camping and taking in the beauty around us. We weren't the family that went on cruises every year, in fact, I've never been on a cruise. But we were the family that went camping - every weekend. My dad instilled in me a love for the earth and its inhabitants. From his selfless service to his fascination with earth science, he was the perfect example of how to treat the earth and its inhabitants with respect.
Stanley Brand products are perfect for getting out into nature without using disposable supplies. Stanley products are built for life. Whether it’s surviving another outdoor adventure or serving as a reliable must-have for tailgating season – Stanley provides top quality outdoor gear. Some of my favorite pieces are the Classic Vacuum Growler. Hammertone Green. 64 oz., the Classic One Hand Vacuum Mug. Hammertone green. 16 oz. with the push button lid! But they're all amazing products that will add to any adventure you take them on.
Be sure to shop the Stanley Brand products for that special guy in your life. You'll make their Father's Day extra special and give them a gift they can use for many Father's Days to come! #Stanleyness