Fashion Magazine

Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
We celebrated Father's Day with our annual Backyard Barbecue!
We finally had sun here in SoCalso I went for a vibrant and colorful palette!I pulled from my textile collectionand used my vintage Mexican serape as the color cornerstoneand pulled everything to compliment this fabulous piece!
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
I mixed my enamelware with plastic baskets, liner papers and plates!
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
I kept the table very simple with my harvested lemons as a centerpiece.Bunting was clothes pinned onto greeneryfor instant party punch!
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
My Shasta daisies are really putting on a show this year!They came back stronger than everand just in time for our Father's Day festivities!
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
My lavender is also thriving like never beforeand is over four foot tall by now.I am having to give it major grimes to keep it in it's place!
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
I set up an additional table by the barbecuebecause food was served casually buffet style.
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
Jeff manned the barbecue which consisted of build your own gourmet burgersthis year we even added the trending soft fried egg as an option.
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
I added some sprinkling of color to the other side as wellwith some simple bandanasand hanging a striped blanketto our photo boothto bring the brights color pallet all the way homefor the family photos!This year I made a point of remembering before handbecause I have remembered after the fact too many times!
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
I purposely did my best to keep things simple but festive.Time still got away from me at the endand I was sans makeup for the eventbut some big glasses, a hat anda quick swipe of red lipsticksaved the day!
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
It ended up to be a beautiful celebrationsof our two wonderful Dad's!Happy Father's Dayto my DadandJeff!I treasure my relationships with you both!Much Love!
Father's Day Backyard Barbecue … SoCal Style
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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