I was sat at the computer feeling increasingly maudlin, of which the dictionary definition is 'self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental'. It's Fathers Day here in the UK and everywhere you look, both online and in shops and well just everywhere really there are messages for Dads, gifts for Dads etc etc.Then suddenly there was a shout from Lovely Hubby who is putting up a run of rabbit-proof fencing in the paddock ..... "look out of the bedroom window".The top picture is what I saw, and I managed to get almost over to her and record it for posterity before she moved. Rosy was sat in the shade of Dad's tree.
Dad has had two presents this Fathers Day, the first was from me, this Veronica, 'Ulster Blue Dwarf' and the second .....
.... was from my darling girl, a freshly caught rabbit buried neatly next to mine.
I have dug it up now and returned the bed to it's former state, but she did it very neatly .... and the thought was there!!
Sue xx