It's hard to believe that we're into the third week of #FATFILES already!
Where has the week gone? into a heap of doritos or kale?
Well, for me I have had a week of ups and downs - I weighed myself on Wednesday morning and discovered I had put ON a pound. I was LIVID! Ever looked at the scales and just thought "I'm going to sit on you and hurt you now"? - I have! then realised that no matter how many times I sat on it, the same number was going to appear.
After a lot of research and online forum help, I discovered it came down to a few factors;-
- I was eating more calories than I initially thought
- I was weighing myself too often - weight fluctuates at different times of the day
- I was weighing myself whilst wearing clothes (different clothes on different days show different results)
- I am just a fatty.
The last one isn't really a factor, I just threw that in. I'm cool that way (I can practically hear your eyes rolling as you read!)
I've decided to start tracking my calorie intake on My Fitness Pal (I used to do this aaaages ago, now I'm doing it again and am more aware of my intake) and only weighing myself once per week - a Thursday morning - so make sure and check back here on hollys beauty box to hear about any weight loss.
In terms of diet - I was a winner of life in general on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, most of Friday, during the day on Saturday and a looser of life on Saturday night and Sunday. I ate SO badly and did next to no exercise. #FATFILESFAIL
Despite that fail, I just feel so much more determined to do this, normally I would be all "that's it, diet over!" but not this time...
Also, thanks so much for all your contributions on here and on twitter (@hollysbeautybox) where you all gave me advice on the fizzy juice situation last week - it was so appreciated and genuinely helps me.
I would LOVE to see and hear all about your fitness and results, so please do share them below. As a side note, what do you think of working out with weights? will they make me all muscly or will they help to get me lean? I don't want to look like a female Hulk Hogan...
All My Love & Belly Flab
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