Fashion Magazine

Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Welcome to another Fashion Friday all!  I hope you've had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend.  I sure am.  This has been such a busy week for me!  I am so behind on blogs, so I promise to catch up this weekend.  I hope you had a chance to link up with me today for Flirting With Temptation.  If not, there's still time!  
Anyway, on to the good stuff.  One trend I absolutely love but don't know if I can pull off is the color camel.  It's so chic and perfect for fall.  I think it's hard to match, but don't care, I love it anyway.  What are your thoughts?  Do you wear it?  What colors look great with or compliment it?  
I hope you can link up with me!  I even have a new button for Fashion Friday!  If you want to link up, just follow the directions below and have a great day!!!
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession(Via)
Fashion Friday My Camel-Colored Obsession

This is a blog hop!  Want to be a part of it? Follow the directions and you're in!1.  Post about anything fashion related.2.  Grab my NEW button and place in your post, linking back to me.3.  Add your link to my linky!4.  Leave a comment here to let me know you stopped by.5.  Lastly, please visit other blogs on the linky to make new friends!  

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