Fashion Magazine

Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Happy Friday all!  One of my favorite days of the week besides Sunday of course.  Typically that's reserved as family or movie day.  This weekend just happens to be a 3-day weekend for me too.  Monday is my Mom and Aunt's birthday, I'm spending the day with my Mom or rather she is spending the day with me.  You see Mom is being a great sport and assisting me with an event for Blondie's Shop!
Today we are going comfortable and casual.  The look is just right for heading to a picnic.  Shorts, striped tank, sassy sandals and a matching clutch.  And yes you a tad bit of color with the neutral shorts.  Yes, that's me a neutral gal!  Let's not forget a coordinating jacket if it gets cool...  Well, here in the Valley of the Sun I really don't have that problem anymore but, just in case.  A girl always needs to be prepared.
My plans for the weekend are pretty low-key.  A girlie date Friday evening that includes seeing The Lucky One.  Saturday is going to be spent on a lot of multi-tasking: laundry, cleaning, writing, and card-making.  Sunday my sister and I are taking Mom out to brunch and shopping for her birthday. 
I hope you have something fun planned this weekend.  If you want more fashion don't forget to stop by Fashion Friday over at Blonde Episodes and Friday's Fancies over at {long distance loving} for the blog hop.  Until next time.
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!
Timex Weekender- Casual in Pastel
Timex Weekender- Casual in Pastel by beautifullylovely featuring timex watches
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies: It's Picnic Time!

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