Fashion Magazine

Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.Here we are again, Blonde Episodes Fashion Friday and Friday's Fancies!  And it's Friday.  Woo-hoo!  I've been crazy busy at work this week and feeling a bit under the weather so, I'm looking forward to having the weekend to relax and recuperate.  Anyhow, it's a fun day today on ...this & that... because we have a new theme.  Yes, we do and a special thanks to Alison over at {long distance loving} for providing it.  Today my outfit is inspired to be Fall Festive by which it should reflect fall colors!  And I definitely think my outfit depicts fall and a festive one at that.  Without further ado...
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.
I must tell you that I'm in love.  Seriously, I am.  I am really liking the "pops" of color added to an outfit.  And to think I used to "pass" on the color.  Well, let me just say that with age I'm liking color.  Another "woo-hoo" for me!  Way to go me.  Yes, I crack myself up sometimes.  But, I've come a long way baby with incorporating color into my outfit.  And if there was a bit more cash in the clothing budget I would add even more.  One thing at time.  And baby steps.  There will be a time when my wardrobe can have anything and everything its heart desires but, right now NO.  It doesn't work.  But, one day.  Ahhhh, a girl's dream...and endless clothing budget.  Wow.  Ok, now I am completely off target back to "pops" of color.  I've been really loving this mustard yellow color and I'm dying to add it to my ensembles.  I'm actually going to hit the yarn store this weekend for a skein of it and make myself a fabulous mustard yellow scarf.  What about you?  What fall color is calling your name?  And don't forget to tell me what you think with regard to my "pop" of color...mustard yellow.
Untitled #19
Untitled #19 by daybydaydelights featuring satchel bags
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.
See what I mean?  The POP of color just lights up the outfit and says h-e-l-l-o I have arrived, right?  Right.  I am anxious to wear this color.  I think it's fabulous!  And I'll definitely share the scarf when it's complete.  Alright, it's time for me to hit they hay and get my beauty rest.
Have a wonderful Friday and don't forget to stop by Fashion Friday and Friday's Fancies to show your love to all of the wonderful ladies participating! 
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Fall Festive.

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