Fashion Magazine

Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy About Boots.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.It's fall and "fall fashion" has officially arrived!  And what a better way to celebrate it than with Fashion Friday and Friday's Fancies.  Can you believe fall is already here?  Where o' where did the time go?  Do you feel it?  I do..."sort-of" but, visually I just don't see it.  I live in the Valley of the Sun, aka the desert and I don't quite get to see the fall foliage the rest of the country does.  Living in the desert has it's advantages and disadvantages.  It will be several months until I do.  It was 96 degrees today.  Nice, huh?  How about you?  Are you feeling fall, yet?  I may not see it but, I'm loving the fall fashion.  Oh, yes I am!
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Today's theme is "Crazy about Boots" courtesy of Alison from {long distance loving}.  By the way do you like my sassy little graphic here to the right?  I looooove it!  A special thank you to Alison.  I really enjoy linking up with Kori's Fashion Friday post and Alison's Friday's Fancies post.  Participating in both of these linky parties really helps me branch out with my "fashion" sense.  However, I must admit that mostly I don't create my outfits - I search for them.  Well, actually I search "items" and then I choose sassy outfits after I peruse through so many...fab, fab, fabulous outfit ensembles.  And let me just say that I love, love, love selecting them!  And I can't just choose one...I chose two.  Let me know which outfit you like best.  The first out is full of color, muted color, but it's bold color for me and those snazzy cheetah booties!  Oh yes!  The second outfit is some of my favorite colors and most resembles me and then a "pop" of yellow - love it!  Alright, check out my choices and let me know whether you like Outfit #1 or #2...?
Outfit #1
Fall's coming
Fall's coming by timelessculture featuring a cropped jacket
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.
Outfit #2
Fall Daytrip
Fall Daytrip by kateanfinson featuring leather handbags
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.
So, outfit #1 or #2?  I still can't decide which outfit I want the Fashion Fairy to surprise me in my closet.  Maybe, I'm thinking surprising me with both would be the right thing to do!  What do you think - both, right?  Right.  I need both, period.  Fashion Fairy please deposit them into my closet at earliest convenience, thank you so very much!  Have an absolutely fabulous Friday!  And I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Until next time.
Fashion Friday & Friday's Fancies - Crazy about Boots.

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