"And we are quotation marks, inverted and upside down, clinging to one another at the end of this life sentence. Trapped by lives we did not choose.It’s time, I think, to break f r e e ."More than often I come across a book that literally makes me feel bundles of emotions, and that is especially what I felt when I first picked up the Shatter Me series so many months ago, when I first ordered this book there was only Shatter Me, Unravel Me and Destroy Me—which is an eBook—out, in December another eBook Fracture Me came out and now two weeks ago today the final book was released.
You can find out the plot line of the first book here and then obviously go on to explore the rest online, you'll find them if you're interested. I haven't read that many trilogys—I've read the Divergent series and several others—I don't usually find myself drawn to them but these I were drawn to. I've written about the books before, Shatter Me and Fracture Me are the ones I am not overly a fan of, though Destroy Me, Unravel Me and Ignite Me were purely brilliant.
Ignite Me, the final chapter of the trilogy to be written, is undoubtedly my absolute favorite of the three books and two novellas. Theories are revealed, alliances are formed, wars are created all by those in these books, so much is revealed in this book, it is by far the most interesting out of them all. The character development of Juliette Ferrars is brilliant, she has evolved into everything she aspired to be; she is strong, brave, fearless, compassionate. She went from being a timid girl to really proving herself in this novel, she really finds herself. I dare say I am quite proud.
But of course, my favorite character since I read the first book; Aaron Warner. I am intensely drawn to mysterious characters who are frightfully private, with a world of secrets in their head and from the beginning I knew I was going to like him. People who weren't fan of him in the first book, may or will have been surely turned their opinions. And as he said in this book "I am not a different person, I am the same man I have always been." Which damn right is true, but because the book is seen from Juliette's point of view she was never able to realize what we got to see from his novella, which revealed Aaron Warner to be a sensitive, caring, respectable, kind hearted person he is, that was not seen by Juliette in the beginning. I cannot comprehend how much admiration I have for the character Aaron Warner and I am so thrilled he got to have what he always wanted.
In this book I adored Kenji. I never really understood his and Juliette's friendship, I never understood where it came from nor how they were supposed to be friends. Yet, in this book their friendship seems so natural and it's so obvious of how close they are. Whenever Kenji is in the book I am just smiling, he is a brilliant character and I'm so glad we got to see his more sensitive side in this instalment, however, the comical version of Kenji will always be my favorite.
I love everything about this book, there are no parts where I were screaming at the book like in past books, everything was utterly perfect. I've said it many times before, but I'll say it before Tahereh Mafi has an absolutely beautiful technique of writing Tahereh Mafi, she is so articulate and fluent in metaphors, it's incredible. There are no words to describe how much I love this book, many times I had slammed the book shut and just held it against my chest because I was so happy. I was quite disheartened that there was no epologue, it would have been brilliant to have seen where the characters were several years down the line, considering they had just started a mass war among the world, the way the last page was written made it seemed there was going to be more, but unfortunately that is not the case. I also may have thought overall the initial book was rushed, I feel as though another one could have been written to actually focus on the war and the consequences of it, maybe I'm biased because I just really want another book. But other than that I was and will always be amazed by this book.
The book are all absolutely beautiful, so amazingly beautiful. I remember taking my book to college once and even my friends—who have never read a book in their lives—were saying how pretty they are. Everything down to the front cover is revealed in this book, and we understand exactly why the bird has been featured in all of these covers.
I would like to thank Tahereh Mafi for her work in the three core books and the two novella's, she has a wonderful talent and even though I am so upset I will never read another new page with stories of Juliette, Aaron, Kenji, Adam, and the rest I am remarkably grateful to have read these books. Maybe I should stop before I start crying again.
Oh, if any casting directors happen to be here—I don't know what you're doing here—if you are and this trilogy is being made into a film can you please hire Hunter Parrish as Aaron Warner, he is the ultimate fan cast for so many.