Entertainment Magazine

Fan Girl: Little Pig

Posted on the 29 June 2024 by Hctf @hctf

Melbourne indie rockers Fan Girl crammed quite a lot of psychedelic, post-grunge guitar into their new single little pig, with a few loud-quiet-loud passages to give the listener a chance to catch their breath. It's not exactly a wall of sound, but it will keep the uninitiated at bay. The track will be included on their real or staged EP, out on September via AWAL Recordings.

Live dates:
  • 07/04 Melbourne @ Retreat Hotel
  • 07/11 Adelaide @ Cry Baby Bar
  • 07/18 Melbourne @ the esplanade
  • 07/19 Canberra @ Polo Live
  • 07/21 Sydney @ Lazy Thinking

» fangirl.com.au

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