I have completed my fall decorating!I always enjoy the process so much!
Working layer by layerroom by room.
Keeping it easy and simpleit becomes a yearly ritual thet I relish each year.
I have mentioned oftenthat I believe it is the Celebrating Seasonallythat has kept me in love with our Little House all these many years.
It's also wonderfulto take the timeto relish in the Changing Seasons.Even here in Southern California.
I enjoy the several weeks I take to layer in my Fall Decorenjoying the processas much as the result!
I have brought out my fall textilesand dropped in artisanal pumpkinsinto sweet vignettesinside and out of our home and gardens!
If you read my last postyou know about our impromptu road trip to the Central Coast to The Pumpkin Patchin San Luis ObispoWe came back with a car load of beauties!
To meartisanal pumpkinsare like natural sculpturesI love the colors the shapesthe imperfections.
The factthat like floral bouquetsthey are impermanent.So their beauty much be enjoyed for the season.
I admit I also lovehow at the end of the seasonthere is no storage involved!

Our front planter is definitely announcing ourlove of fall!

The front terrace is easily finishedwith a pumpkin beauty and lantern.!

The weather here has even cooled enough to bring out my fall wardrobe!

My morning coffee is always a favorite time of day.I enjoy sitting in different spotsduring the weekalways savoring the beautyI have createdin my home and gardens.
It is definitely a time my heart fills with Gratitude for the small Moments and Beautyin my life.

I added in some velveteen pillows this yearfor a little more color and texture.I was tickled with these additions form Ikeabecause I just bought the pillow coveringsand then used my own seasonal pillows I have in ourbeautiful storage and prop new building.
So when it's time to store themthey won't be taking up more room in storage!I am so loving having our storage at home now!

I added small gourds into a metal basketfor the finishing courtyard touch .

Inside in the dining roomI pulled together things I had on hand for the centerpiece.I am currently having big love fortapered candles these days!I also love how the various candle shapes and sizes play so well together!

The living room centerpieceis full of my collected candlesset in a bed of rice.I like mixing in some fresh branches or flowers in this Seasonal Centerpiece.

Lighting candles before sunrisewith my coffeeis one of my favorite fall morning rituals.
It's the perfect time to reflect on myIntentional Gratitude!

Dropping in Artisanal Pumpkinsjust makes forInstant Fall Styling!

In the back I found the most wonderfully colored flowersto tie in with my fall colors.

They make me so happy to seeevery single morning!

Dropping in a coordinating pumpkinfinished off this seating area's styling!

Another pumpkinmakes for a focal point finish in the backyard.

I added some more fall color and texture in the back lounger corner as well.

Which meant our backyard was all readyto welcome a visit from our favorite littles!

Fall decorating always makes my heart so happy.
Simply by dropping inArtisanal Pumpkinsflowersand colorful textiles and candlesand Voila
Fall is in the House and Gardens!

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life