About Faida.com:
Faida.com is a place where you can exchange your products with new ones from different buyers/sellers. The categories ranges from
- Mobiles/Tablets
- Home/Furniture
- Electronics/Computers Appliances
- Books/Hobbies
- Clothing/Luggage/Accessories
- Sports/Fitness/Outdoor
- Bicycles, Kids/Baby
- Movies/Music/Gaming
How Faida.com Works?
Faida.com works on the line of No buy, No sale, Just exchange. You can key in your requirement on the basis of whether you want to get something or you want to give something. You can key in your city, location, particular thing that you want to give/get. You have to list them accordingly and once you select a product with which you want to exchange your stuff with, or some one else picks your product with a good offer, you just say yes and your deal is done.

So, in simple words, Choose, Offer, Deal Done
Faida of Faida.com:
Faida.com is safe and secure, without any monitory transaction involved, where you can get rid of your old stuff in exchange of new stuff, and that too absolutely free. Faida.com believes in how one man's clutter can be another man's treasure. So, while you get rid of the unwanted thing, rotting in one corner of your house, another person may be benefited with that same thing and he may give you some thing that would be of utmost importance to you.
Another important feature on Faida.com is getting Reward points on doing every activity you perform on the website and then get merchandise by using the points.

Faida.com is a platform which allows you to get cool deals without spending a single penny and also further enabling recycling to avoid wastage.