Tech Magazine

Facebook to Take Legal Action Against Employers Seeking User Passwords

Posted on the 18 April 2012 by Sumit @worth2surf
Facebook to take legal Action against employers seeking user passwords
Recent reports claim that employers of various corporations have been demanding passwords of their existing as well as newly hired employees. In fact, the trend nowadays goes like that you land up with a job only after compromising with your social privacy. This became a serious matter of concern among the facebook team because such an activity directly leads to violation of facebook statement of rights and responsibilities which states that
Facebook to take legal Action against employers seeking user passwords
Facebook beleives "such a practice undermines the privacy expectations and the security of both the user and the user's friends". Moreover it might create potential trouble for the employer if after requesting such information they discover the user belongs to a protected group (eg over a certain age, etc) and they do not hire them. This might create claims of discrimination and the employer might be exposed to legal liability. Facebook says "it will take action to protect the privacy and security of users, whether by adopting policy makers or, where appropriate, by taking legal action, including shutting down applications that abuse their privileges."
Coming to the conclusion, facebook expressed that they will take necessary steps on their part but it is the duty of the user on their part, to be aware of the privacy norms and not to share their password with anyone. To check out facebook's statement of rights and responsibilities click here.

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