Tech Magazine

Facebook Launches 360 Degree Videos for Web and Android Users

Posted on the 24 September 2015 by Devender Singh @DevenderSingh93

360-degree videos will begin rolling out in Facebook News Feed

Facebook has recently announced another feature to promote its video content, and launched 360 Degree videos. The organization is revealing the capacity to watch and transfer 360 degree videos to the News Feed to its users internationally, in the wake of testing it on select pages.

Facebook 360 Videos

This feature as of now exists on YouTube. Facebook has been acquainting a few new features with amp its video game, and the presentation of this element will put more weight on Google to develop more.

The 360 degree feature highlight permits users to share and enjoy videos taken by exceptional 360 degree cameras, that catch footage from different POVs, rather than one POV seen on customary cameras. With these features, you can snap and drag to see the video from different angles and viewpoints, while it is playing on Facebook. On smartphones, you can watch the videos from diverse edges by dragging it with your finger — or even just by turning the gadget.

Facebook tried this feature with videos from GoPro, Star Wars, Discovery, LeBron James & Uninterrupted, NBC’s Saturday Night Live, and VICE pages, before monetarily dispatching it.

The organization has made this component live for the desktop stage, and are moving it out for Android users steadily by means of an OTA. For iOS users, Facebook has declared that it will roll the 360 feature highlight in the coming months

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