Yesterday morning, I published a post titled “Obama wants to bypass Congress for gun control via Executive Order.”
Any post published on Fellowship of the Minds (FOTM) is automatically linked on FOTM’s Facebook page. But that post isn’t.
I tried manually to link the post to our Facebook page, but each time I got this message:
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My guess is our readers who tried to post a link to their Facebook page were similarly deterred, which explains why that post has ZERO Facebook counts.
I am, therefore, re-publishing that post below.
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This is a follow-up to DCG’s post of Oct. 4, “Obama goes beyond mere gun control, hints at confiscation“.
So much to do destroy, so little time left.
The POS knows he has only a little over a year left in his mal-administration. At the top of his to-do list is gun control.
Already, when he spoke in reaction to the Oregon college shooting of October 1, Obama went beyond his usual calls for more gun control and suggested that the U.S. do what Australia and Great Britain did in the mid-1990s when their governments instituted virtually complete bans on firearm possession.
Now, as reported by the Washington Post on Oct. 8, Obama is seriously considering bypassing altogether Congress, the law-making branch of the U.S. government, by issuing an executive order to impose new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.
Under the proposed rule change, dealers who exceed a certain number of sales each year would be required to obtain a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers.
Obama actually had proposed that rule, among a list of many gun-control policy proposals, after the Sandy Hoax shooting of Dec. 14, 2012. On Jan. 26, 2013, the POS announced 23 executive actions ranging from restarting federal research into the causes of gun violence to providing parity for mental health coverage under private insurance plans. But his push for legislation mandating universal background checks on gun sales failed in the Senate in April 2013. In August that year, Obama closed two gun-sale loopholes through executive authority, subjecting gun purchases by corporations and trusts to background checks and banning almost all re-imports of military surplus firearms to private entities.
Now, in the wake of the Oregon shooting, Obama is revisiting the universal background checks issue. He said he had asked his team “to scrub what kinds of authorities do we have to enforce the laws that we have in place more effectively to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.”
Note to Obama: Neither alleged Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza nor alleged Virginia WDBJ shooter Lester Flanagan nor alleged Oregon Umpqua college shooter Chris Harper-Mercer — all conveniently dead — had a criminal record or a record of being mentally ill.
A senior (but unnamed) Obama administration official said lawyers are still working details to ensure that the rule could pass legal muster. He said, “We are hopeful we can find a way to do this. It’s a lot more clear [sic] today than it was a year ago how to work this out.”
I think what the “senior administration official” really meant to say was “It’s a lot easier today than it was a year ago how to work this out.” As Obama’s first senior White House adviser (and now mayor of gun-control Chicago, where never a weekend goes by without reports of multiple gun homicides) Rahm Emanuel famously said, “Never let a crisis go to waste!”
Especially if it’s a manufactured, false-flag crisis. /sarc
See “Gun control does not reduce gun violence“.
![Facebook is censoring FOTM’s post on gun control Obama makes gun gesture1](