After a brief hiatus, the Facebook Group Member of the Month feature is back. In this monthly feature, I ask a member to share a series of personal style questions so other members of the group can get to know her better and so those who haven’t committed to joining our community yet can get a glimpse into the types women who have joined and the generous support and fellowship found within the group. This month, I am featuring the very lovely, Rhoda Garcia.
Prior to joining the group, I knew Rhoda relatively well. She hired me for a brief consult and my most vivid memory was trying to move heaven and earth to locate a dress for her that I knew would be perfect for an event. Rhoda is sassy, vibrant and generous with everyone in the group and brings a spark of energy with her that would be sorely missing if she decided to leave us. Without further ado, let’s get to know Rhoda through her own words.