Lifestyle Magazine

Fabulous Gift Ideas and Blogger Love

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes
Fabulous Gift Ideas and Blogger Love
Good morning all...I'm back at work, and you are probably right along with me.  A lot of great stuff is going on this holiday season, and I thought I would share in case you aren't on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Fabulous Gift Ideas and Blogger Love
First of all, let's all say a big congratulations to the future Mrs. Weaver, our favorite Brown Eyed Belle Julie!  Julie got engaged and the diamond is to die for!  I'm so happy for you friend.  I hope you call all head over and congratulate her!  Let's hope she still has time to blog!
Fabulous Gift Ideas and Blogger Love
Next, our adorable friend Tara of Fabulous But Evil finally made it to 1,000 followers!  How exciting!  If you don't follow her too fun blog, head over and give her some love.  Way to go honey!
Fabulous Gift Ideas and Blogger Love
Now for a little shameless self-promotion...My first novel, Murder On The Boulevard is available on both Barnes and Noble and Amazon, but I also have signed copies for $10 if you would like one!  They make great stocking stuffers and I will invoice you and send it out this week!  Let me know!  
Fabulous Gift Ideas and Blogger Love
I also have some fabulous finds for sale on my ebay shop that you might love...there are a few iPhone cases that I know some of you would just love!  If you're interested, let me know and I might be able to give you a better deal!  
Fabulous Gift Ideas and Blogger Love
Lastly, my mama has some fabulous creations over at her The Queen's Jewels Facebook page.  If you are looking for that one of a kind gift, check her out.  She does custom orders!  

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