Books Magazine

Fabulous Friday – 8 June 2018

By Whatsheread

Fabulous Friday – 8 June 2018

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We should always find ways to celebrate the little things in life. What better day to celebrate these little things than the best day of the week? So, here are the things that make this a Fabulous Friday for me this week.


  • NO MORE TEACHERS, NO MORE BOOKS – Happy summer vacation!! I know it does not mean much to those of us who are not teachers or students, but there is still something exciting about not having to deal with homework, late bedtimes, morning alarms, missed buses, after-school activities, et cetera. Holly had a stellar but tough year, and I know she is ready for some rest. She deserves it too. A 4.0 GPA along with everything else she did without complaint and without help. I couldn’t be prouder of my girl and am glad she gets a few months off of her brutal schedule.


What makes this a Fabulous Friday for you?

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