We should always find ways to celebrate the little things in life. What better day to celebrate these little things than the best day of the week? So, here are the things that make this a Fabulous Friday for me this week.
- HOLIDAY DECORATING– Holly informed me that we could not put up any holiday decorations until December. I did not mind because I really did not feel like digging out all off the boxes from storage or going through the effort to unpack and unwrap everything. Now that it is December, and the weather is finally more appropriate for the season, I do feel like decorating. So bring on the sparkle!
- WEEKEND– I know I am not the only person to comment on how LONG this week was. The short work week last week did not help things, but then I was also dealing with the fact that people have been grumpy lately. Tensions have been high, and to make matters worse, people are battling colds. I hope people get healthy and improve their moods during the weekend. Me? I’m going to sleep away the stress.
What makes this a Fabulous Friday for you?

- We're going to put our decorations up tomorrow! I can't wait! by Jenn Lawrence
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