I often chat on the phone with my friend and artist, Christina Baker. Its mostly shop talk about studio practices, galleries, and things we like in general. Several weeks ago, the subject turned to Instagram and sharing images that we love, we had one of those "ideas are flying out of our mouths so fast its crazy" moments. We decided to each share our own "Fab Four" every few weeks on Instagram. These will be any image that we like from artists, Pinterest, blogs, Etsy and more. Sometimes I might choose something that informs my artwork but more likely it will be things that make me happy or cool things and new artists that I would love for people to know about. Follow Christina to see her Fab Four HERE Follow me on Instagram HERE
I won't always blog about my Fab Four choices but I thought I'd take the time to mention them here in addition to my Instagram post.

The first image is a Pinterest pin from Lilly Pulitzer. On first glance I thought it was a painting. I am quite enamoured with the point of view in this photo.

I read designer Dana Gibson's blog and Follow her on Instagram. She recently posted "The story of summer chintz" on her blog and I loved reading the story behind one of her playful designs.

I don't often find myself gazing at fine art photography but this image by Saatchi Art artist, Maya K. got my attention for its ethereal feel while using vibrant color.

This photo for an Etsy listing made me laugh. The listing is for the flamingoes only but I thought the seller must have a wonderful sense of color not to mention a sense of humor.