Lifestyle Magazine

Eye Candy : Song Hye Kyo & Kang Dong Won for Vogue

By Rolala @rolalaloves
Eye Candy : Song Hye Kyo & Kang Dong Won for VogueEye Candy : Song Hye Kyo & Kang Dong Won for Vogue
Dating rumors quickly sparked when Song Hye Kyo and Kang Dong Won were spotted together in Paris back in May. Their reps denied them, making a statement that they were just there for work. Now all is revealed in this visually stunning editorial entitled One Fine Day photographed by Hong Jang Hyun for the September issue of Vogue Korea. This ridiculously gorgeous pair are both decked out in Dior. I'm loving Hye Kyo's sixties style hair and makeup and only Dong Won can pull off some of these looks with his lanky frame and quirky charm. Some of the photos look like they could be stills from a stylish caper film. Their easy chemistry is very apparent here and they look really good together. Almost makes one wish those dating rumors were true.

These A-list stars are currently promoting My Palpitating Life which marks their second time working together. Based upon the novel of the same name, the movie tells the story of a young couple who are raising a child with progeria syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes premature accelerated aging. From the press I've seen, this adaption sounds like it will have plenty of heart with touches of humor and I'm sure it will illicit some tears as well. The heartwarming looking movie posters can be found at the end of this post and here is a link to watch the trailer. Be sure to click the cc button for English subtitles.

Eye Candy : Song Hye Kyo & Kang Dong Won for VogueREAD ON ≫
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