To be honest, hearing the news that Ji Chang Wook had been named a global model/ambassador for the CK Calvin Klein brand which makes him the first Korean actor to represent the brand internationally made me both happy and dismayed at the same time. Happy because he is an excellent choice and dismayed that it took them so long to employ an Asian model in this capacity. The brand stated that they chose Ji Chang Wook because he embodies their young and modern brand image. The announcement made last week also unveiled images from the CK Calvin Klein Spring 2020 campaign.
Photographed by Christian MacDonald, the campaign which features Chang Wook modeling a range of casual and formal looks shows just why he was the perfect choice. Besides just being his usual devastatingly charming and handsome self, he exudes a sense of cool sophistication that elevates the clothes he is wearing. The 32 year old actor who recently starred in the drama Melting Me Softly is currently making a decision on his next project which might be Night Convenience Store with Kim Yoo Jung. I dropped Melting Me Softly midway because the plot became so absurd but we just picked up The K2 and it's giving me a new appreciation for both Chang Wook's acting as well as his action skills.