Fashion Magazine

Eye Brow Micro Blading

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Eye Brow Micro Blading
I finally got my eyebrowsMicro Bladedand I couldn't be happier with the results!
I had them done at my favorite trusted spotMy Skin.
I thought I would do another Good Girlfriend Shareand show you not only a before and afterbut the steps involved as well.
And being that it is a real sharenone of these photos have been edited
definitely the following pictures are truly
bare faced.
Eye Brow Micro Blading
Here is the no makeup before.You can see how the ends of my eyebrows were barely visibleand looked sparse because of many of the brow hairsthat have turned gray.
I tried every eyebrow product out thereto try to get my brows  to where I liked thembecause I am well aware of the impact of eyebrows!
Trying to get my eyebrows to where I was happy with themmade doing my makeup ever so aggravating!
So I decided to bite the bullet and take a chance on micro blading.
Eye Brow Micro Blading
It's a lengthy process taking about three hours plus for the first visit.
A good part of that timeis meticulous measuring to ensure a balanced end result.Dennis at My Skin
 is definitely a perfectionist!
The color here was put in after the measuringto get a feeling of the size and shape of the browand   had nothing to do with the color.
I wanted to simply get back to my natural brow shape.
I also got to choose what color of brow dye I wanted,
Dennis applied three different colors to my forhead
so I could choose the color I was looking for.
It was a genius idea
because you can see the color on your actual skin
and next to your hair.
Eye Brow Micro Blading
After all the measurements are donethe color chosen
andthe numbing cream  applied
and allowed to set up for about 20-30 minutes.
Next the actual blading takes place. This consists of basically small cuts into the skinwithin the brow lines.There are three passes on each brow.
I wouldn't say it hurts too badbut the sound of the skin being cut was a little uncomfortable to hear.I definitely was intentional about putting my mind somewhere else,
When the blading is completethe dye is applied.
Then they are cleaned up
New Brows!
In four to six weeks there is a return visit to perfect any areas that might not have taken perfectlyin the process.
Eye Brow Micro Blading
I am ever so happy with the results.
The healing process was a breeze.I just had to apply grape seed oilmorning and night for a week and
 keep my brows dry while they healed.
Eye Brow Micro Blading
I am so happy with the results!It was definitely worth the $500 and time!
For the first time ever I actually am enjoying putting on my makeup in my new makeup station!
With my brows already done it's such a moreenjoyable process!
Eye Brow Micro Blading
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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