Lifestyle Magazine

Exuviance Retexturing Treatment

By Rolala @rolalaloves
Exuviance, Exuviance Review, Exuviance Body Treatment, AHA Moisturizer

In a quest for soft and smooth skin, I've been scrubbing down with an Korean Italy towel lately and I can definitely understand why they're a staple in Korean bathhouses/spas. This is a hardcore treatment (think rolls of dead skin coming off of you) so I only engage in it once a week following my detox bath. This satisfies my needs in terms of physical exfoliation and this Exuviance Retexturing Treatment has recently entered my life to provide some chemical exfoliation. Chemical exfoliation is something my face is quite familiar with but I've never really tried it on my body. Read on to see what I found.

About the Brand: Exuviance was created by Doctors Van Scott and Yu, widely recognized as leaders in the field of cosmetic dermatology. They discovered the anti-aging benefits of Glycolic Acid and created and patented the first Glycolic Peel. Exuviance has continued to develop many new patented anti-aging ingredients backed by evidence from numerous scientific and clinical studies. Recognized around the world, Exuviance formulas are expertly developed to visibly transform skin by combining their patented innovations with the best, state of the art technologies available in dermatology today.
Exuviance, Exuviance Review, Exuviance Body Treatment, AHA MoisturizerCONTINUE READING ≫
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