Debate Magazine

Extraterrestrial Life Affecting the Usa

Posted on the 20 June 2020 by Isiswin @Isis_Win

EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE AFFECTING THE USANASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has trained its razor-sharp eye on one of the universe’s most stately and photogenic galaxies, the Sombrero galaxy, Messier 104 (M104). The galaxy’s hallmark is a brilliant white, bulbous core encircled by the thick dust lanes comprising the spiral structure of the galaxy. As seen from Earth, the galaxy is tilted nearly edge-on. We view it from just six degrees north of its equatorial plane. This brilliant galaxy was named the Sombrero because of its resemblance to the broad rim and high-topped Mexican hat. At a relatively bright magnitude of +8, M104 is just beyond the limit of naked-eye visibility and is easily seen through small telescopes. The Sombrero lies at the southern edge of the rich Virgo cluster of galaxies and is one of the most massive objects in that group, equivalent to 800 billion suns. The galaxy is 50,000 light-years across and is located 30 million light-years from Earth.

By Isis Win

History books, from the legislative annals to the academic recordings, explain how the USA has moved forward by creating and enforcing laws that comply with our constitution, international laws, and civic and humans rights. The USA has created a model that many countries want to follow. Such as the creation of a democratic system that seeks for everyone in that nation. We have that system, we exercise it, and through time it has improved. The USA has gradually bettering many of the aspects that enhance the quality of life, defends the rights of everyone, and develops the mechanisms to have a level of equality that makes the country more productive and harmonious. We still are behind reaching a better state that transparently shows we are the example that others wish to conquer.

We have moved back and forth in the direction that our framers envisioned. However, this is the first time in US history that a regime blatantly erodes many of those gains achieved or in progress. The “justification’ to that is simple and clear. This president is aware of the discontent of a large number of Americans that want to reverse many issues in that direction. Perhaps the #1 is in a relation of the migratory situation of ours that has not been resolved through many decades. Probably the chunkiest “fix” before was when Republican Donald Reagan passed an amnesty gift towards illegal foreigners living for long in the US and abide by our laws.

Today we have a contrary scenario. Although there is reason to feel angst because of the millions of illegal immigrants in the US (not just Latinos), the US, the only option is to sit at the table of negotiations, to arrive at a compromise in both ends, and pass the needed legislation. Politics have not allowed that, and mostly because on one side, observing our constitution should be the denominator. At the same time, on the other hand, to hell with it and simply get rid of non-Anglo Saxon descendants. Such will never work and attempts by Trump showcasing his abuse of power, the Supreme Court invalidated no one, not two but a few unconstitutional mandates of his. This is just a speck of the many issues that detriment our constitution and create a bizarre view, A wish of some Americans, A small number of ultra-conservative Americans.

Trump has been banking on creating a momentum that secures him a second term. All built on that premise of challenging immigration, China, North Korea, Afghanistan, and any country that is bargaining millions of dollars from us, so they comply with our demands, but they not. The effect has been such a clear and strong divide that the US is looking like a Neo-Nazi nation, ready to enact that sentiment I mentioned. However, the constitution weights much more than Trump’s mandates, even if such decision comes from a nominated judge by him. There is no way around, but if an SC judge support and passes any of Trump’s acts, a new order will be kicked in, and such would be much more toxic than Trump’s actions.

As is, the way all is looking from the WH and some cabinets seem that we are under attack, but such an attack cannot come from one of us. It will have to be from an extraterrestrial being that destroys us first and takes over later.

Coronavirus has shown us how fragmented we are as a nation and as people. All looks and sounds like anarchy that theoretically may favor Trump. However, as I said before, the group of people that follows Trump is rather small, but other people are acting on their own regarding Corona. It seems to add more significant numbers to Trump’s following.

The country in the last four years is turned inside – out. The sad there is that such should exteriorize a sense of patriotic attitude in which we either join our administration or oppose it. Not just by thought, but following with actions to let our government know what we do not support or approve. If we do not arrive at common sense, or consensus, democracy is defeated, and we lose sight of what direction we are taking, therefore where we may land in the wrong place.

These past years have been as if a foreign alien is running our country, and we remain silent about it, and only exercise our right to choose who is going to be in office. Once the person is elected, we do not care anymore about what he delivers or not. Something other nations such as China exploit to their benefit, increasing the potential of engaging in dramatic episodes that disrupt the order and the desired goal.

The appalling element for me is to witness that regardless of the constant lies and manipulations from Trump, he still counts on supporters, making him assume he got a chance to a second term. This turns my suspicion on, and I fear that he got a hidden card on his sleeve and that one is that he will jinx the election. I discard that he is so ignorant, dumb, and out of touch that his mega ego makes him believe he got everything under control. Big money America may fail for the first time in so long, and hopefully, they lose the strings that allow them to keep us in the cage, so we have no chance to react and take care of the needed changes. Changes that address our constitution, civil and human rights that will better our country exponentially, at the cost of the big money-losing the grip in our present and future. They, very well, maybe the extraterrestrial beings that are exploiting our planet, and all human beings, not just greedy Americans.

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