Gadgets Magazine

Explore the Large Hadron Collider with Google Street View

Posted on the 27 September 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Only a few of most renowned physicists and engineers in the world were lucky enough to see the inside of the European particle physics laboratory,CERN. But now, thanks to Google Street View, even you can explore these amazing  laboratories at the comfort of your home.

Large Hadron Collider
Behold! the Large Hadron Collider. Where physicists do their experiments to solve some of the biggest mysteries in the universe, hoping to figure out an answer to some questions like “why we live in a universe” and more.

ATLAS detector
The 7000-tonne ATLAS detector.

ALICE is a heavy-ion detector on the Large Hadron Collider ring. It’s designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities”

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Explore more in 360-degree views on Google Street View.

[Source: Google Maps blog]
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Follow @nrjperera - Roshan Jerad Perera

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