Languages Magazine

Expect Labs at SpeechTEK 2014!

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs


Expect Labs’ Director of Research, Marsal Gavaldà, is heading to the Big Apple this summer to present at SpeechTEK’s annual conference. The event is sponsored by Speech Technology Magazine, and aims to pinpoint the most important speech technologies that will make user interactions more intuitive and automated. Gavaldà’s presentation will dissect the pros and cons of the two approaches to speech recognition, namely, phonetic- vs. word-based, that have so galvanized the speech analytics industry. In particular, Gavaldà will explain the science that underlies both phonetic indexing and speech-to-text and will analyze how these two competing technologies measure up in terms of speed, accuracy, and storage.

As a part of the Business Strategies track, the objective of the talk is to have attendees leave with a clearer sense of which approach will work best for their specific business goals.

Conference details can be found below:

Session: ”Phonetic vs. Word-Based Speech Analytics: An Objective Assessment”

When: 1:15 - 2:00pm on August 18th, 2014

Where: New York Marriott Marquis, Room A103

We’ll be tweeting out event highlights from our @expectlabs​​ Twitter handle. If you’re attending SpeechTEK this summer, please drop us a note! 

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