TV & Video Magazine

EW Teases True Blood Season Finale

Posted on the 08 August 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover


This week’s edition of Entertainment Weekly will hit the stands this Friday, but as a digital subscriber I get to read it a day earlier. Which is both a blessing and a curse this time, since I have an extra day to speculate on their tease of the True Blood Season 6 finale.

And we all know, speculating alone is no fun… So I’m going to share it with all of you.

But be warned, with as little as they say… There be spoilers ahead


But before we get to the good finale stuff, our Sookie gets a nod on their sound bites segment for her thoughts on eternity and dating. Way to go Sook!


And now… drumroll please… Here is the tease from the finale….


Meep! Right now I’m alternating between “damn you Mandi” and “I need this episode”. Though key words that pop out to me beyond the Sookie/Warlow bit are “time jump” and “provocative/sexy Eric scene”…. “We might see a certain body part”


Forget “Damn you Mandi”…. I’m going with “Damn you Bucky, that’s one way to stir the masses”.

What do you think? Sound off below!

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