Pets Magazine

Evolution Dog Wash Is ADA Compliant

By Evolutiondogwash

ADA-Compliant-Dog-WashNot only is the Evolution Dog Wash built to be convenient for our pets, but in order to accommodate those with disabilities and limited mobility, the Evolution Dog Wash is designed to be accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities.

As the “gold standard” in self serve dog washes, we are proud of what our Evolution Dog Wash system offers today. Although the Evolution Dog Wash features the absolute latest in what is available and possible with technology, we are constantly looking at ways to improve and update our machines to the benefit of the users, their pets, and the owners of the machines.  The Evolution Dog Wash is now ADA Compliant, which means that our dog wash machines meet the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and this is welcome news to many people.

Who Benefits From ADA Compliant Dog Wash Machines?

Being ADA compliant gives easier access of the Evolution Dog Wash machines to those who use wheelchairs or who have limited mobility. Owners of therapy dogs and guide dogs who are disabled will appreciate being able to easily use the Evolution Dog Wash, thus providing them with a bit more independence in their lives. Those with limited mobility will appreciate not having to lean or bend down to wash their dogs using the ADA Compliant Evolution Dog Wash machine.

Evolution Dog Wash Features

The Evolution Dog Wash is designed for ease of use and convenience, which benefits all individuals. While your dog stands on a non-skid contoured platform, there’s no need to strain and bend because of a conveniently located extendable shower spray. Hair and water flow underneath the platform and through a triple filtered drain. Our dog wash can be used for shampooing, conditioning, treating dogs with specialty treatments such as flea and tick shampoos, and even drying.

Evolution Dog Wash Makes For A Quick Clean Up

Because all the models of the Evolution Dog Wash are made of Aircraft quality stainless steel, clean up is a breeze. All that is needed to clean the dog wash is a quick lifting of the platform, which rests on a kickstand, and a simple hosing down. Any hair in the tub is easy to access and can simply be removed by hand, and any further hair and residue that flows down through the triple filter drainage trap, can be removed with the trap which is convenient and easy to lift out and empty, when necessary. The tub can be easily and quickly disinfected with a quick spray and rinse solution.

More Locations And Opportunities To Find The Evolution Dog Wash

An ADA compliant dog wash means that there are so many more ideal locations to consider housing an Evolution Dog Wash system.  Locations and facilities that are frequented by those with therapy dogs can provide a valuable service to therapy dog owners while benefitting from the extra business at the same time. To learn about how the Evolution Dog Wash can help your business see more revenue and growth, we invite you to call our team today at 800-426-0760.

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