There was a boy who loved watching movies on Wild Sea Animals such as Sharks, Whales etc. His fascination for Wild Sea Animals was so profound that he would buy movies that contained these set of species. Unfortunately, the more he watched them, the more he dreaded the sea. Every river and sea, his eyes set upon constantly reminded him about the vicious animals that were lurking in the sea; he constantly reminded himself that land was safer than water. However, His whole world was dashed into pieces,when his school organized a compulsory 3- day Sea School program which he had to attend.
Going to the School was tough for him but he managed. The day came when the students were to plunge into the water with their life Jacket , the coach discovered that one student was missing and it was him alright. The Coach found him in his cabin crying profusely and having relayed his fear to the coach, was tutored and guided to the diving spot. On diving into the water, the boy realized that his fear was just a mirage and through out that day, he had a swell fun time.
One of the battle that Man faces is his thoughts. The book of Proverbs warns us to guide our heart; this is because our interaction with the World shapes our thoughts in a way we can’t imagine. Through Interaction, our thoughts are exposed to challenges, failure, worry , anxiety, fear etc which will cripple and rob us of our Joy but there is a Solution!!!!!
Jesus said in John 14;27 ” Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ” NIV. Why is Jesus so confident that we can achieve peace in every situation?
Consider this, Who of you by worrying, being afraid, full of anxiety, can add a Single hour to his life? (Matt. 6:27). So If we can’t do this little thing then why do we worry about the rest. (Luke 12:26).
God has blessed us through his son Jesus Christ. All things are ours. All you need to do is believe in Him. So When you feel troubled and weary, do this “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” .