Tech Magazine

Establishing Your Online Brand: 5 Tips to Maximize on Your Blog

Posted on the 08 December 2014 by Dfennell @BloggerGo


According to this infographic, small business blogs generate 126 percent more leads. This is because 81 percent of consumers use blogs to get advice on what to buy. So, how can you design your blog to maximize on brand visibility? Here are 5 practical tips.

Identify the Objectives of Your Business Blog

There are three objectives of blogging:

  • To identify yourself as an expert. Here, you offer your audience professional content and user-targeted products.
  • To market your products and services digitally.
  • To attract new customers to your website. Here, you establish a relationship with your customers, making your customers want more content.

Understand the various objectives and choose the best that can suit your unique marketing needs.

Understand Your Audience

Whom are you targeting? Know whether you are targeting a specific age group, demographics, gender, profession, religion, or certain preferences. This will help you construct blog posts that are in tune with your target audience. You give your audience exactly what they are looking for.

Keep It Current

Your business is constantly evolving, so is the blogging platform. The type of products and the technology you are using is evolving with time. New things happen in your business regularly, things that your customers need to know. The audience wants to know what is happening in the business at the moment, not things that happened a month ago or years ago.

Keep your blog rooted in the present times, and avoid the past. You can do this by posting regular content. Content ideas include interviews with industry experts, offering advice to your customers, and offering valuable insights into the products or services. Make sure the content is up to date and gives your audience a new thing every time they visit your blog.

Zero In on Reader Engagement

Most readers that visit your blog have a very short attention span. You need to hook the with your first line and keep them engaged all through the post. Find a way to grab their attention with your language and style and hold their attention with stories, videos, and pictures. Go ahead and pack the blog with verifiable facts, figures, images, statistics, and infographics.

There is more to content than just posting it. You need to make sure you do your research and post only relevant content. One of the ways to hold your audience is to use current data from surveys that you have researched through your own surveys.

Strive for Authority

Your niche has many players, all striving for recognition. Recognition comes at various business levels, some will recognize you due to the products you offer, and some will recognize you from the information you provide regularly.

Getting authority means that if any person wants anything to do with the niche, the first stop will be your blog. Authority in the niche means that you have to get digital marketing right from the start; otherwise, your competitors will overtake you.

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