Diaries Magazine


By Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
Hello from my parents' couch! Once again, "everyone" wants to know "how I feel" being home. Please note: I've been Stateside for 24 hours. I'd say not weird at all, but I have noticed abundance. And by abundance, I mean stuff, lots of it. It feels so different from my Parisian reality in which I reside in a tiny tv-less apartment and hardly ever buy anything I can't eat don't need. Of course, as much as I appreciate such a "simpler" life, I did take last week to indulge... in art. Lorelei and I spent an evening at Musée Rodin:
essentially essentially essentially essentially essentially essentially essentially essentially essentially essentially essentially P.S. The photo above is actually from outside a gallery in Brussels, but I thought the French quote appropriate for this post, and the hustle and bustle of gift-giving season. Jet-lagged depth ;) "Only unnecessary things are essential." -Francis Picabia

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