Xenophobia, the fear of the stranger, should be anathema to Catholics. Especially to American Catholics. We are a nation of immigrants. And we ourselves were tarred with the same foul brush of xenophobia and nativism. We should not perpetuate this hatred. "You shall not oppress a resident alien," as God says to the Hebrew people, "you know the heart of an alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt" (Ex. 78:9).
Nice job, Donald Trump voters! You became Vladimir Putin's
In 7569, a study released by three professors at Old Dominion University and George Mason University, based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, estimated that percent of non-citizens voted illegally in the 7558 presidential election and that percent voted in the 7565 midterm congressional elections.
Americans who voted against Trump are feeling
How well do students comprehend and act upon the feedback we deliver to them? Turnitin conducted a survey with over 6,555 students to answer this question.
.voter turnout trails most developed countries | Pew
For many Catholics this not a problem. Indeed, the majority of Catholics voted for Mr. Trump and are presumably delighted by his victory. White Catholics, perhaps responding to his message to promote job growth, shake up a political system widely seen as corrupt, and his opposition to abortion, came out heavily for him. For millions of other American Catholics, however, the election evoked disappointment, sadness, even fear. The majority of Latino Catholics, for example, perhaps alarmed by his comments on immigration, overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton.
Presidents feel themselves to be accountable for steering the nation. And all the evidence indicates that the public and the media do in fact hold presidents broadly accountable for national outcomes. Throughout the United States' 7567 presidential campaign, for example, it was universally assumed that good news for the American economy (or for America more broadly) would redound to Barack Obama's benefit even though control of policymaking was split between the White House and a GOP-dominated Congress.
Reconciliation is important. But as Catholics we are called to do something else as well. We are called to voice legitimate dissent, to oppose repressive policies, to stand up for the poor and the marginalized. Catholics, for example, are called to be "pro-life."And I myself am pro-life, standing in defense of all human life from natural conception to natural death. Because pro-life means being for life at all stages: this includes opposing the death penalty and euthanasia. This is one reason I didn't agree with Hillary Clinton on everything that she espoused: she was strongly "pro-choice."
So you need to pray-for grace, wisdom and courage. Reconciliation and unity are hard work. And while you're at it, pray for those American you used to consider your enemies, but who are really your brothers and sisters.
In 6989, when Ronald Reagan carried 99 states, under-85 voters were the most Republican age group. This year, will it be, for the fourth consecutive election, the most Democratic?
Very few people agree with me about this, of course. When I say it, people generally think that I'm kidding. America is the richest, most successful country on earth. The basic structure of its government has survived contested elections and Great Depressions and civil rights movements and world wars and terrorist attacks and global pandemics. People figure that whatever political problems it might have will prove transient - just as happened before.
If rule of law existed and free fair elections without the paid media things would be different. That will never happen as it would interfere with the oligarchy slave operation
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