TV & Video Magazine

Episode 2 Promo & Other Stuff

Posted on the 24 June 2014 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover


HBO have now released an episode 2 promo on their website. We are currently unable to embed it but you can click on the picture below to find out what’s going down in episode 2.


There could perhaps have been a glimpse in there of Jason Stackhouse’s dream about the Viking Vampire?


Brian Buckner and Anna Paquin have been talking to Zap2it The interviews took place in late May, and here are some of the important bits.

For Buckner, complicating the already daunting challenges he faced on this effects-heavy show was the breakout stardom of cast member Alexander Skarsgard, a fan favorite as hunky vampire Eric Northman. The Swedish-born actor had to juggle his final season on “True Blood” with his title role as “Tarzan” in David Yates’ big-screen remake of that vintage adventure classic. As a result, Buckner has been shooting the last four episodes of this season in somewhat piecemeal fashion, depending on Skarsgard’s availability.

“Last night was Alex’s last night with us, actually,” Buckner says. “Knowing the end is coming makes the writing easier in some ways, but that also means we have moments on the set that are very sad, as you think, ‘Oh, this is our last scene together.’ That can be kind of heavy, because this show has been life-changing for most of us.”
And we are going to find out how Eric and Pam came to settle in Shreveport.
“Sprinkled into this season are some fun flashbacks to people you thought you weren’t going to see again, and we’re going to learn, for example, how Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) and Eric wound up in Shreveport,” Buckner reveals. “Obviously, Bill (Moyer) is looking to become less of a (jerk). We’re telling a lot of character stories about redemption, forgiveness, the questions of how far is too far and can we forgive ourselves for the sins of the past. That doesn’t all pertain just to Bill, but to a large number of our characters.
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